Yeah, well, it ain't no worse
than some I been called.
When I was in the Navy...
All you new-meats...
...you're going to have to shape up
fast and hard for this gang.
We got rules here.
In order to learn them...
...you gotta do more work
with your ears than your mouth.
Somebody say something?
No, I didn't say nothing, Boss.
What have we got there?
Got a Lucas Jackson.
You don't have a name here
until Dragline gives you one.
Maybe we ought to call it No-Ears.
You don't listen much, do you, boy?
I ain't heard that much
worth listening to.
A lot of guys laying down
a lot of rules and regulations.
New-meat looks like
a poker player, Drag.
Yeah, that wouldn't surprise me none.
I know you've got five dollars
pocket money.
That would buy you a whole fistful
of cards. You in or out?
First bell.
How'd you get that scar?
What scar?
Last bell.
Last bell.
Fifty, Boss.
Right, Carr. Fifty.