I'm a salesman. I used to drive
these roads all the time.
Drag, it's going to be
one hot mother today.
Yeah, I reckon the Bear's going
to be walking the road today.
Then I'm lucky I got me a broom.
I work on top, real cush job. I would
hate to be down in that ditch today.
We work in a ditch?
What's the matter with you?
All your big-time driving around,
you never seen a chain gang before?
I ain't used to hard work, neither.
I always tried to avoid it.
I ain't exactly crazy about it, myself.
Well, man, it's going to be
one tough day to learn on.
Why don't you give one of these
new-meat a break...
...and let him use your broom today?
Oh, hell, Society, I ain't
going down in that ditch.
Well, I sure would appreciate it.
I ain't in too good a shape right now.
Hey, Koko,
you really going to sell your job?
Well, Drag, I may have to.
Maybe that Lucas War Hero
would give you your price.
I'll give you 50 cents.
Fifty cents for a sweet job like that?
That's worth at least a buck.
I'll make it a dollar.
Dollar's a deal.
Where'd you get that about war hero?
A little birdie told me.
Tearing the heads off of...what was it?
Gumball machines?
What kind of thing
is that for a grown man?
You know how it is. Small town.
Not much to do in the evening.
Mostly was just settling an old score.
Boss, I made this arrangement
with this man to take his broom.