I don't know, JP.
With Cole and me, I guess it's a...
- I'll always think of him as a...
- He's a top hand.
- I guess so.
- Well, Cole always was pretty lucky.
- Have you known him long?
- Yes, since before the war.
- We've travelled some together.
- Sure, I know what that means.
It means either you saved his life,
or he saved yours, or both.
And neither of you
will talk about it. Men!
Would you like it set to music,
with a full orchestra?
- I'll see you.
- Don't forget to come back.
- I won't leave you alone with him.
- You're not a friend.
MacDonald. Kevin MacDonald.
Howdy, Roy. Something wrong?
Doc Miller said to tell you
Bart Jason hired himself a gunhand.
Cole Thornton. He rode
out there about an hour ago.
Doc wanted you to know.
He said be careful.
Thanks, Roy. Tell Doc
I'm much obliged to both of you.
Matt, you and Saul help me
take these horses back to the ranch.
Joey, go to the West Fork and tell
Jared to get back to the ranch.
OK, Pa.
- Luke.
- Yes, Pa.
Get onto that rock. If you see anyone
coming, fire in the air to warn us.
- All right, Pa.
- Wait a minute, I ain't finished.
As soon as you fire that shot,
jump on your horse and hightail it.
I hear you, Pa.