- Linda.
- Linda, bring both of them.
Can he be moved?
Sure, in a couple of hours.
But don't go bouncing him around.
He can stay here.
I'll make him comfortable.
I've got a fine bed at my place.
It's narrow, hard and uncomfortable,
but he won't get bounced around.
SeƱor Bull. He comes.
Bull always announces his arrival
that way?
Same way, different tune.
You better let him in.
What are you blowing,
advance or retreat?
Neither. Couldn't let one of General
Hood's Cavalry go without a goodbye.
- Who's goin' away?
- Cole's leaving tonight.
You got any objections, Doc,
I don't want to hear 'em.
Glad to get you off my hands.
Where you going?
Folks down there got a silver mine.
A little trouble.
Think I might be of help.
I brung along a little red-eye,
in case the sheriff runs out.
Somehow, I reckon he has.
Been here a long time,
nobody's offered me a drink.
- Why didn't you speak up?
- Thought you'd never ask.
- Maudie, get him a glass, will you?
- What'll we drink to first?
I guess I should have told you.
Sometimes you...
I was hoping
to see you alone before you left.
- It's better this way, Maudie.
- Come back, will you?