I suppose you have your reasons.
It's probably just as well.
With two like us in the same bunch,
sooner or later
we'd have to find out who was faster.
Yeah, I guess you're right.
So long, Thornton.
I thought we were going.
Mississippi, just listen.
McLeod, would you like to walk out
that door first, ahead of us.
No, I don't believe I would.
I didn't think so.
Can you hear me?
- We hear you.
- I'm coming out.
Where are you?
- Over here.
- Come on out.
Further into the light, hurry.
Now drop your guns.
Come here.
- That all right, Thornton?
- Good enough.
Mississippi, get their guns.
If it's all right with you, we'll
drop 'em at the sheriff's office
and they can pick 'em up
on their way out of town.
- Sounds reasonable.
- Much obliged.
Call it professional courtesy.
Want to get something to eat?
I would've walked right into
those two, if you hadn't stopped me.
- I asked if you were hungry.
- I'm trying to thank you.
I'm hungry. That shivaree you put
on in there interrupted my supper.
It wore out our welcome.