El Dorado

Hold it, Cochise.
Steady boy. I'll take a minute.
Where are you?
Close enough to blow your hat off
if I hadn't recognised it.

- What are you doing here?
- Looking for you.

Don't you know better
than to follow a man that way?

- I don't know another way.
- You almost got shot.

- You fall off your horse?
- Yeah.

- You hurt?
- No.

Something's the matter.
I've got a bullet in my back, it
sometimes presses against something.

I get a screaming pain, then it goes
numb, and I can't use this hand.

- How long does that last?
- A while. Why are you following me?

I started thinking about
what you're going to do.

And what am I going to do?
You're going to El Dorado to help
your friend against McLeod.

How do you know he's my friend?
That look on your face when you heard
he'd turned into a drunk.
