Swede Larson.
- Can you help us?
- I've got just what you want.
How wide will that shot spread?
How big a pattern?
I don't know. The fellow who used it
before, he couldn't see too good.
He just shoot where he hear
somebody talk.
- What happened to him?
- He has a fight in a saloon.
The piano player
he make so much noise,
he couldn't hear the other man,
so he just shoot the piano player,
and they hung him.
- Looks pretty good to me.
- Shoots good, too.
How about ammunition?
- Four or five boxes are enough.
- Good.
- Looks like what you need.
- Sure is.
- Pay the man. Swede.
- Cole, you come back soon.
A likely spot to try that new gun.
Try that cactus.
You can't miss with that.
It's all right.
- How far to El Dorado?
- We'll be in there around midnight.
Where are we headed?
- To see a girl.
- A girl?
Yes, a girl.
Don't you think I could know a girl?
- I always make you mad, don't I?
- Mostly.