Bo... Bo didn't trip me.
I... fell...
...on purpose.
Oh, Bo!
Dearest Bo, what have we done to you?
(Camel bellows)
(Cock crows)
- Whoa, Cleo!
- Is this it, Simpson?
Yes, sir. Sidi-bel-Abbès.
- Well, get me down, Simpson.
- Cenrtainly sinr
Hey, you! Arab fellow! Camel up! Obo!
(Camel bellows)
Argh! Ooh!
Aah! Aah! My foot...
- Let go of the thing.
- Damn it, I'll never get used to that!
I expected the back end to go down first.
Oh, well, never mind that.
- Find out where one joins up around here.
- Yes, sir.
BO: Les tnry that café ovenr thenre
Very well, sir.
BO: Anyone home?
Good morning, madam.
My name is Bertram Oliphant West.
Well, I'm sorry, but what can I do about it?
My name is Zigzig.
And what can you do about that?
No, no, you misunderstand me, madam.
I merely wish to ask where one goes
to join the Foreign Legion.
Ah, just one moment.
- I go ask the sergeant.
- Sergeant?
Sergeant Nocker. He is important man
in Legion. He know everything.
Is he here?
Oh, yes.
Perhaps is the married quarters, Simpson.
(Murmurs sleepily)
Ah! (Chuckles)
Hello, sugar date.
Not now, baby. I gotta get some sleep.