Ah! Thas the one.
OK get 'em on panrade gnround Conrponral
- What have you got in mind, Sergeant?
- Get 'em on parade ground at the double!
CLOTSKl: Fools! Hurry up!
What do you think this is? A picnic?
You lousy dogs! Damn you!
You're soldiers, do you understand?
Come along! Come along!
All right, now. Properly at ease,
you lousy pigs!
- All present, Corporal?
- Except for the two new ones.
- Leave them to me, Sergeant.
- Fall in. I'll handle this one myself.
Maybe I'll get a chance to bathe the baby.
CLOTSKl: Get up! Get up evenry one of you!
Now then pnropenrly at ease you lousy pigs!
Quick manrch!
Move you dogs! Come on! Quick!
All right, whas going on here?
Ain't he old enough to dress himself?
A gentleman nevenr dresses himself.
Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
You see, I'm so terribly ignorant of these facts.
Thas perfectly all right, old chap. You'll learn.
Something we can do for you?
Yes. Er...
I wonder if you'd care to join us
for a teensy-weensy parade?
You see, the Kommandant will be there.
Oh, ill be such fun!
Thas very decent of you, Sergeant.
Thank you very much indeed.
We'd both be delighted.
Oh, bully, bully, bully!
Just as soon as we've breakfasted.
Oh, by the way, where is the restaurant?
Oh... l'm terribly sorry,
I'm afraid there is no restaurant.
- But I'll tell you what there is.
- Oh? What?
We have a pit where we bury you
up to your neck in sand,
- Fonr days and days
- Oh? What for?
For talking back at your sergeant!
For not being ready for parade!
And for acting like motherless, fatherless jerk s!
Now you get with it!
Get dressed, and be out there in five seconds!
(Yells) Get on panrade now! On the double!
(Knock at door)
- Come!
- Ready for inspection, sir.
- Thank you, Sergeant.
In future, I want the garrison kept on standby.