Follow That Camel

Hey, did you see that?
She's crazy about me.
She's very beautiful. But why was she wearing
that ruby in her... Well, in here?

Thas to keep the draught out.
I don't know if you happened to notice, sir,
but... these things...

Yes, Simpson, I did happen to notice.
Well, we had some casserole dishes
just like that at home, sir.

Oh, yes, thas right.
We used to put our dumplings in them.

They use them for the same reason here.
I'd like to meet her.
What, that dancer, sir?
Oh, I don't think that would be advisable, sir.

Why ever not?
Simmy's right. You'd never catch me
getting mixed up with a woman of that sort.

Hello, there! Well, why don't you
take off your clothes and pull up a chair?

- Zank you.
- No, no. Zank you!

Now, who told you I was the only one
around here worth bothering with?

- Oh, nobody.
- Oh, just psychic, eh?

May I say how very much I enjoyed
your dancing?

Thank you, you are most kind.
- We haven't seen you here before.
- No, I have just come from Egypt.

Ah, Egypt. Land of mystery.
Home of the mighty fairies.
- You mean pharaohs.
- I know what I mean.

You are so very pretty.
- Oh, please.
- Oh, no, no, it is true.

What is your name?
(Whispers) West, sir.
West. Bertram Oliphant West.
Ludicrous, ain't it? My name is...
Bertram Oliphant?
Is a riot, isn't it? You see, my name is...
But most of my best friends call me Bo.
- Bo?
- Yes, B-O.

You've got some nice friends.
- And whas your name?
- They call me Corktip.

Now, I bet you can't guess my name.
Oh, yes, I know younr name.
How do you like that? Is even spread to Egypt.
It had to happen.

They call you the Big Stinker.
Ha-ha! Thas what they call me!
Everybody know...
