No, just two of them.
He with the head like the dome
of the mosque of Omar.
And he with eyes like well holes in the sand.
It shall be done, O powerful one.
Hey! Corktip,
she wants to see you in the back room.
- Me?
- Yes, you! Don't ask me why!
I don't have to ask. I know
Ow! They can only fight against it
for just so long, and then is va-va-va-voom!
Well, chappies, don't wait up for me, what?
You can stop looking for it in there.
Is right here.
Sit down.
I would like to see whas in store for you.
Hey, I'd like to see whas in store for me, myself!
No, you must not. Not here.
I tell your fortune. Sit.
Fine, but er...
never mind that, les get to the bumps, huh?
You interest me, strangely.
I feel an... affinity between us.
A destiny that guides our ends.
Fine, you take care of your end,
I'll take care of mine.
Ah, it is clearing now.
I see you meeting a dark woman
- Somewhere else.
- Oh, er...
it wouldn't be you, would it?
It might be.
Yes, it is me.
Fine. When?
I see a clock.
It says... midnight?
Midnight it is. Where?
I see a house.
It is the tenth house in the Street of Many Fools.
Oh, 10 Downing Street.
I'll be there!
(Nocker hums tune)