Well, of course it isn't!
He wants to find out so he can attack it.
Oh, come off it, Bo. Not him.
- Not this kindly old gentleman
- It is true!
The infidels will all perish
when the second crescent of the moon enters
- Onrion's thinrd phase
- When is that?
First, the legionnaires at Fort Zuassantneuf,
and then the infidels at Sidi-bel-Abbès.
It has been ordained by the prophet,
Mustafa Leak.
Mustafa Leak!
Mustafa Leak!
Now, you will tell me. How many men?
You know, for the moment,
it seems to have slipped my mind.
If I could pop back to the barrack s
and have a word with our Kommandant.
Don't trifle with me, accursed one!
Perhaps a little torture
will help you to remember.
You have until nightfall to come to younr senses
If not... they will come off.
One by one.
One by one? I suppose he means our ears.
Thas my boy.
Always thinking of the higher things.
Look, chiefie, if you could just have a word
and talk this over sensibly
with this er... Mustafa Leak.
ALL: Mustafa Leak!
I don't know, it must be number one
on the hit parade.
Away with them!
(Toilet flushes)