I need out.
Doesn't seem to be
my day, does it?
I'm doing you
a favor, honey.
Anytime a man
weasels out on you,
it turns out that
he's doing you a favor.
Well, maybe you are, Frank.
Are you in charge here?
Henry Mendez.
It's urgent that my husband
and I get to Bisbee.
I want to arrange
to leave tonight.
- The line is closed.
- I'm prepared to hire a rig.
We don't have any.
What do you have?
Nothing at all, lady.
We got a mud wagon.
Who's going to drive it?
I could do it.
He doesn't have
enough experience.
The company would
not allow it.
I'm willing
to let him drive.
You might also
be willing to sue us
in case
something happens.
If I bought the wagon?
It's not mine to sell.
If I paid for more
than just our fares?
Well, you'll need
a driver, horses...
four, maybe six horses.
And the relay stations
aren't working anymore.
The same horses
will have to go all the way.
If they don't make it,
who's going to pay for them?
I'll buy the horses. So there's
no other problem, is there?
You want to get there
bad, don't you?
Settle it.
We'll go to the hotel
and have dinner.
That should give you time
to find a man and get ready.
I don't know, lady.
You'll make a month's wages
in three days.
You'll be ready.