
You can get
one more on up top.

No one's allowed to ride with
the driver. That's a company rule.

They going?
Yes, sir. Both of them.
You got a ticket for
that stage out in front?

Well, that's it.
You can give me your ticket,
and you can take the next stage.

That's a funny idea.
No, that's not a funny idea.
That's a good idea.

See, you could stay here,
get drunk, have some fun.

Now, how's that sound?
But I'm gonna be traveling tonight.
No. I don't think so.

Leave him alone! You come late,
you find your own way.

What did you say?
I said why don't you
leave him alone?

The man wants to take
the stage, let him take it.

Well, suppose I take
your ticket instead.

You just walk in and take
someone else's seat?

Looks like it, don't it?
Somebody's pulling
a joke on somebody.

You think so?
What kind of a business
do you run here?

You let a man walk in
and say he's taking your seat

after paying the fare?
The company doesn't
do anything about it?

This business is
between you and me.

We don't want anybody else
poking their nose into it, do we?

You wearing a gun?
You better get one.
