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How I Won the War
How I Won the War is a 1967 black comedy film directed by Richard Lester. The film features Michael Crawford as the inept WWII commander Earnest Goodbody, with John Lennon and Roy Kinnear as soldiers under his orders. The film is a satire of war; in it, the inept Lieutenant Goodbody's soldiers are ordered to construct a Cricket field behind enemy lines. At one point in the film, the British soldiers overcome a group of German soldiers by whistling the Colonel Bogey March (the theme from The Bridge on the River Kwai). Many of the characters in the film are, themselves, satirical in nature; for example "Cpl. Gripweed", the soldier played by Lennon, is a fascist, yet the army has no qualms in using him in a war which was intended to fight the spread of fascism. The film is also an attack on the brutality of war; throughout the film, Goodbody's soldiers die one by one (only to be replaced by ghostly, WWI-era soldiers), and by the film's end not one of his men is still alive.
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How I Won the War
:00:16 RÝN, NÌMECKO 1945
:00:19 Tøetí èeta, Ètvrtí muketýøi.
:00:22 Pohyb.
:00:26 Tøetí èeta, Ètvrtí muketýøi.
:00:38 Pohyb.
:00:47 Nafukovací drustva vpøed.
:00:59 Nalodit.
:01:01 Za mnou.
:01:07 Vytáhnout vesla.
:01:09 Pøipravit se.
:01:10 Pádlovat.
:01:23 Ano, za války jsem taky byl muketýr.
:01:25 Rádoby nám velel tenhle mladíèek.
:01:28 Pøirozenì to bylo spí na mnì.
:01:31 Za tmavé noci øadu naich dustojníku...
:01:34 vlastní mui. Museli.
:01:36 - Ano, dám si.
- Ano, byl jsi u toho.
:01:40 Po snídani na nádraí Paddington
:01:42 nás pøevezli do Druhé armády na Rýnì a
dalích øekách.
:01:46 Byli jsme pìchota,
i kdy øada z nás sotva umìla plavat.
:01:51 - Bylo to fiasko.
- 144177 muketýr Brazier S.
:01:55 Ne, ne, jak jsem já vyhrál válku.
:01:59 Vzpomínky poruèíka
Ernesta Goodbodyho.