How I Won the War

If you do it well, you need never
hang around on street corners again.

You can go away and do stirring things.
Would you like that?

Oh, sir.
Sir, I'd give my right arm and leg.
It's not you, sir.
I'm not bored with you. I love you.

In a strict metaphorical way
of speaking, as it were.

I'd give them my arm and leg.
Damn sporting of you, sir.

The lads will be chuffed.
I gulped.
I used to gulp like a fish
every time a general touched me.

One time, when I was a subaltern...
Nice eyes.

We are exchanging bubblegum cards.
We are staff officers.

- Have you got Dunkirk?
- Toby's got Dunkirk.

There's a lot of Dunkirk about.
Ghastly colours.

- I do a bit of Sunday painting myself.
- I want School Bombing.

- We know what you want, Toby.
- I want School Bombing.

Not much doubt about morale here, eh?
It's funny when the killing starts.
Some of them don't like it.

That's where you come in. I want you
to set up an advanced area cricket pitch.

Did you think you can do that?
Can you read a map?

239451 or thereabouts, near an oasis.
Get some grass if you can.
Doesn't matter if you can't.

I want it first class,
and I want it in September.

That means you have three days from
the time you land behind enemy lines.

It's got to be a good pitch because
a very important bod is going to see it.

- How much is she?
- Does she take bully beef?

He's going to come up out
of the torment of the noblest of games

and hear the sharp click
of leather on willow.

Ah, with his weary soldier boys.
That'll show them, bring their tails up.

Show this very important bod just how
high the British soldier can get his tail.

Yes, I want it first class and in three days.
That doesn't give you much time.
