Rally to me, Third Troop.
If it is humanly possible.
I shouldn't be left on my own.
I can't win a war on my own.
I'm rather too young.
I feel I'm folding up like a telescope.
I hold the DSO. I do hold the DSO, after all.
- Commando?
- No.
On your feet.
Come inside.
You are Number 1331490?
Lieutenant Ernest Goodbody
of His Majesty's Brigade of Musketeers.
Huh? Educated
at Wellington and Mariborough.
Before the war, a solicitor in the firm
of Nicholas, Collins & Osgood.
- Am I right?
- No. Sir.
The name is right,
but all the rest is wrong.
Oh, well, just a guess.
We are not all supermen.
Home is favourite. You wouldn't want us
making a nuisance of ourselves out there.