How I Won the War

- Use your initiative.
- I ain't got none.

- Come on. Off, Pongo.
- Matelot! Whose bloody side are you on?

It's a great gamble for a great stake
and I pray to God that it comes off.

- I like a game of cricket myself.
- Don't you know there's a war on, jack?

Oh, come on, don't give me that.
The sea has always bred heroes.

At the battle of Trafalgar, one of the
French captains had both legs blown off.

- And he directed his men to the end.
- I'll see what I can do for you.

- More than my job's worth.
- Mount, come on. Juldi/ Drivers, start up!

We do have some drivers, don't we?
Well, who drove them on? I did.

Clutch in, move gear, pedal down,
clutch out, now all together.

Clutch in, move gear,
pedal down, clutch out.

Very good.
Come on, come on. Give me some speed.
Put that brake on.

Clutch. Don't get too near the man in front.
It's working.
It this absolutely North Africa?
Because I'd like you
to have my best boots.

I don't want your best boots.
Gear in. Accelerator down. Best boots

No, they're good lads.
They'd follow you anywhere.

Hark at them, gazing on me
with their trusting little eyes.

- Sir.
- Shufty.

My feet's wet, sir. Sir, my feet's wet.
- It's disgusting. They are manky.
- Well, they're yours.
