The rest of the troop,
under my command,
will crawl to a point - figures -
100 yards in front of the objective
where they will wait for the LMG
to get into position.
The signal for the LMG to open fire
shall be green, green, green.
The LMG shall cease firing
when the main attack is mounted
and is within - figures -
50 yards of the objective.
We will consolidate on the objective.
We shall not take prisoners.
If we pull together,
with true British pluck and team spirit,
we shall, with the help
of the Almighty God of battles,
win his just victory
over the forces of evil.
Good luck. I'm a little duck
so let's get quacking into battle.
- Come on.
- Eh?
Who's the Almighty God of battles?
Jesus, is it?
That's right. It will be. Jesus.
Clapper, I'd like you to have my watch.