not waving about
like a hampton searching for a hand.
What do we wear in our caps?
Does it need cleaning, Juniper?
- Yes, it does.
- Look at them all, shining bright.
Fancy me fighting filthy like that.
An old chubby duster like me.
Might have got gangrene from that.
I'll have it out with my servant.
Filthy! Get a tube, siphon petrol from
the gin palace and fill up the half-track.
- That's you out of mischief.
- Look at them all, shining bright.
- I want them stinking.
- Corporal of Musket.
Condensed milk.
About all you're good for,
sticking it in tins.
Your badge represents the regiment
and the regiment represents all of us.
You, me, all of us here today.
- A dirty badge is a disgrace.
- They shouldn't be clean.
Shining bright? Two days,
for having a dirty bayonet.
- They shouldn't be clean.
- They should be sticky with blood.
What did you return with?
- I got some pretty things.
- No, no.
I want to see you coming back
on the high port, grinning.
With blood running down arms,
dripping from elbows.
I don't care whose blood it is.
Stick it in your mate.
Let's have it used. I hate waste.
See. See mine.
It represents your father,
mine, his before that.
It represents battles
fought and won years ago.
Battles fought so that we could live
as we wanted to,
long before the Americans
were even thought of.
They didn't invent living, you know.
It represents tradition, Musketeer.
And I for one won't stand
for a dirty tradition.
Get the nonsense out of them.
I tried to get you interested.
You'll have to learn the hard way.
Squad, 'shun!
High port.
At the throat, point in!
Out! En garde. Shout it, Clapper.
- In, out, en garde!
- Let's hear from you.