They've bren taken to the funeral home.
Now, if you'll just look around
with Mr. Church here...
...to see if anything is missing....
They never hurt anybody. Why them?
Al, you knew Clutter.
Did he have a safe?
Keep a lot of cash on hand?
The old Kansas myth.
Every farmer with a good spread
is supposed to have...
...a hidden black box somewhere
filled with money.
No. Herb paid everything by check.
Even a $2 haircut.
Well, then why...
...if they're going
to shoot them all anyway, why...
...did they first cut Clutter's throat?
Why did they first put him
on a soft mattress box?
To make him comfy?
And why the pillow under the boy's head?
We keep saying ''they.''
It could have been one man.
A madman.
This picture was taken
with a time exposure.
It shows only what the eye saw.
This picture was taken with a flashbulb.
That's a different pair of shoes.
We know there were at least two of them.
You won't see it there.
The flash made them stand out in the dust.
-You develop those pictures yourself?
-Newspaper boys seen this?
-Not yet.
Keep it that way.
Al, when can we see the Clutter home?
Why were the men killed in the basement?