In Cold Blood

Are they still virgins?
-What'd you charge them with?
-Driving a hot car.

-You know why we're here, Mr. Hickock?

:16:44 can call me Dick.
All right, Dick.
We understand you've signed
the extradition papers.

Well, what the hell.
There's no denying we broke parole
and hung a mile and half of paper.

Oh, yeah, the car...
:17:00's stolen.
That's it. All of it.
-Okay if I smoke?

In a way, I'm glad it's over.
I'll take what l've got coming.
Serve my time and never...

...but never again.
Your parole has a special provision
never to return to Kansas.

I cried my eyes out.
Must've been something important
to bring you back.

I had to see my sister in Fort Scott.
-To get money she was holding for me.
-Did you get it?

-She moved away.

I don't know.
How far is it
from Kansas City to Fort Scott?

I don't know.
How long did it take you to drive there,
one hour? Two?
