- I'll have a cognac, please.
- Yes, sir.
Uh, may I introduce myself?
I'm Lloyd Cramden.
And I'm Norma Benson.
Um... would you please
give me a light?
Thank you.
Thank you.
My trip here
has to be a very short one.
Schoolteachers are not
in the higher income brackets.
I never had a teacher
as beautiful as you.
Perhaps it was just as well.
It would have been too distracting.
Oh, you're very fattering, Mr. Cramden.
Truthful would be more accurate.
[Sighs] Just... where do you teach?
I teach at the
John C. Calhoun High School...
in Roanoke, Virginia.
Roanoke, Virginia.
But let's not talk about me.
It's, uh... quite evident that you're
in a much more important position.
Hmm. No. Well, l...
I'm just one of the many
thousands of government workers.