When I got to the hospital at last,
the doctor
refused to do it.
You're our fighting unit.
You want me to put
you under the tribunal?
I even threatened him with my Mauser,
he refused anyway. Too late, he said.
Who is it who's made you heavy,
Stop that bullshit.
All right, forget it.
But who will I put in your place?
Maybe that one...
...from the division's political
He's a strong Communist.
You're all strong Communists.
The anniversary's almost here!
Who's going to lead a discussion
in your battalion?
The steward should
be given it hot.
He delayed the delivery of boots.
As for cutting the cloth for puttees,
let them do it themselves.
How can one do the fighting with you?
Are you going to give birth soon?
Yes, very soon.
There're many disgruntled
in the second company.
Especially that curly-headed one
who sings all the time.