A pail of black blood,
that's what she's sucked out of me.
When she was little, she was
sick with every disease possible.
Scarlet fever, and diphtheria,
and measles, and whooping cough,
and mumps.
I think it was only cholera
that she didn't come down with.
One could go mad
from all this.
But you don't have that right,
because you're the mother.
Our regiment's medic
used to say
that all sickness comes from your
If you're a neat housewife,
the clothes will last long.
This shirt here, first Misha
wore it, then Syoma and Lyova.
Oh, those kids.
They want to eat
every day.
Hardly a week passes without them
having a rash or a boil.
And Doctor Balaban
charges ten pounds of flour
for each visit.
Just for one visit!
For God's sake,
Madame Vavilova,
a newborn screams his lungs out
and turns blue,
and it just breaks your heart
to think that he might die.
Or when he gets
a diarrhea...
You know how many
diapers you'll need?
Or when he develops a rash,
just try and not powder him.
Oh, and when
they're teething...
And, finally, one day you hear
a spoon rattling in his mouth.
You think having babies is as
easy as fighting a war?
No, Madame Vavilova,
It's not that easy.
Why do you stand behind the curtain
when you can come in?