In the afternoon,
gather the eggs, then dinner.
Then feed the calves.
Light the lights in the hen-house.
Then make yoghurt.
Neocapitalist society
won't look at its own face...
I arrived in Paris in 1960.
No, '65...
Yes... sorry, in '64.
Cleaning lady for three years.
It's nice here on the top floor.
It's well lit, airy.
You know I worked at Passy before.
Then at Auteuil
in those big bourgeois flats
on the first floor.
It's always so dark.
I had to sweep in the dark.
Already the metro was dark.
So I went from dark to darkness.
Always black.
Then back into the dark metro
after work.
Whereas here they talk and discuss.
It's very clear for me.
I used to talk while milking cows -
mostly with strangers.
In the country
women are pretty lost.
Yes, I did some prostitution.
Nearly a year...
over by Stalingrad where I lived,
and then on the Champs Elysees
after Id bought a car
with my money.
A Fiat 850 convertible.