When money's short, I still do it.
When Henri can't sell
Red Guard for example,
or when Veronique
can't find work teaching.
I know it's a contradiction.
Besides, Henri...
..says Im living proof
of the answer
to the people's contradictions.
I don't trust the Russians so much.
When we screamed ''US killers'',
all they could answer was,
Red Guard killers.
So I distrust them.
When the sun sets, it's all red.
Then it disappears.
But in my heart the sun never sets.
Dictatorship is needed
to stop thieves,
crooks, killers,
pyromaniacs, gangs
and all other evil minds
that upset public order.
A Communist is frank,
open-minded, devoted,
putting the revolution
before his life,
above any personal interests.
He must always hold
to just principles
and fight any wrong ideas
or actions
so as to help
the collective Party life
reinforcing ties with the masses.
He will think more
of the Party than the individual.
He'll care for others
more than himself.
Then he'll deserve
the name 'Communist'.