The white-collar
revolutionary struggle
has spread among the workers
and peasants.
This is Radio Peking.
Comrades, that is the latest
news bulletin.
- This is Omar.
- Louder.
This is Omar, a comrade
in philosophy at Nanterre.
That's enough.
Comrades and friends...
In addition
to his crimes and faults,
those who blame Stalin...
..for all our deceptions,
our mistakes and despair
in any sphere.
They might be very upset
to realise the end
of intellectual totalitarianism.
- That's dogmatism.
- If you like.
The end of intellectual dogmatism
hasn't given us Marxism
in its complete form.
After all, we can only liberate
what already exists,
even from dogmatism.
Stalin's death meant
freedom for research
and a fever of people rushing
to philosophise
about their feelings
on liberation
and their taste for freedom.
Stalin's death gave us
the right to count exactly
what we own.
To call both wealth
and nakedness...
by their real names,
to think and talk aloud
about our problems
and to undertake serious research.