He was a dreamer filming fantasies.
I think just the opposite.
Prove it.
Two days ago
I saw a film by Mr Langlois,
the director of the Cinematheque,
about Lumiere.
It proves Lumiere was a painter.
He filmed the same things
painters were painting at that time,
men like Charo, Manet or Renoir.
What did he film?
He filmed train stations.
He filmed public gardens,
workers going home,
men playing cards.
He filmed trams.
One of the last great
Exactly, a contemporary of Proust.
So Melies did the same thing.
No, what was Melies doing
at that time?
He filmed a trip to the moon.
Melies filmed
the King of Yugoslavia's visit
to President Fallieres.
And now in perspective,
we realise
those were the current events.
No kidding, it's true.
He made current events.
They were re-enacted, alright.
Yet they were the real events.
Id even say
Melies was like Brecht.
We mustn't forget that.
And why mustn't we?
Why mustn't we?
So why?
Because an analysis
of a specific situation,
as Lenin says, is the essential...
An analysis?
..the soul of Marxism.
What's analysis?
It's seeing
the inherent contradictions...
OK, but why analysis?
things are complicated
by determining factors.