Because it has changed.
The Americans haven't.
They're an imperialist power.
Since they haven't changed,
then it's the others who've changed.
The Russians and their friends
have become revisionists
that Americans can get on with.
While the real Communists
that haven't changed
need to be kicked in the face.
That's what Vietnam's about.
Im for peace in Vietnam.
Whether intentionally or not,
both the Russians and Americans...
Im for peace in Vietnam.
..are fighting the real Communists,
in China.
That's a general conclusion.
As for Vietnam...
Help, help, Mr Kosygin!
Help, Mr Kosygin!
Hurry, Mr Kosygin!
A specific conclusion is...
war... is just.
Any war... opposing progress...
is unjust.
We other...
Communists... are fighting...
all... such...
unjust... wars.
But we aren't... against...
progressive wars.
Friends, comrades.
Why is being American intolerable?
An important question.
Indeed, if a socialist might admire
the wealth of the US
he must place it in perspective
in the relative world context...