you judge or vaguely feel
that capitalism is no better today
than yesterday...
Back to Moscow!
..As economic
and social development,
as a way of life,
as a system of relations
of men together.
With their work, with nature.
With the people of the world.
Kosygin and Johnson are killers.
By the use he does or does not make
of resources and science,
of present and future
creative capacities,
of each person.
What of Siniavsky?
And if you adhere to socialism
with that feeling
the problem of its rise to power
is put in those terms.
Once you admit that violent revolt
and barricades
can't occur
in advanced capitalism
in France, Sweden, Italy,
you can agree
with the French Communist Party...
Revisionist, revisionist!
Isn't that Michel?
You think so?
Listen to how he pronounces ''s''.
Maybe you're right.
Maybe Claude's there.
Veronique said she had a letter.
In July he'll bring committee orders
on beginning hostilities
and against whom.
- Am I in it?
- No.
The combat group will have its own
organisation, personnel and finances.
This is Radio Peking.
Comrades and friends.
Those in favour raise their hands.