- What?
- We're leaving.
- With who?
- Two sailors.
Don't whine, it's pointless.
They're dumb.
We love them,
but that's not the worst.
We give them a golden opportunity
and they cut out before a show.
And for who? Sailors!
Sailors give us a better time
Than all your carnies combined.
- Sailors aren't the marrying kind.
- But as lovers they're just fine.
As friend, lover or husband
Sailors are absent all the time.
Chance often does things right
But it got its wires crossed
With the faded roses it tossed
On the bed of our lonely nights.
With the faded roses it tossed
On the bed of our lonely nights.
Well, if our bed of roses
Is now just full of thorns,
And your heart is now sea-born,
What can I say or propose?
Shall I shoot you and mourn?
Or die broken and morose?
You had what it takes to please;
Your nose, mouth, brow and hair.
If only your eyes were blue
I could have died for you.
If only your eyes were blue
I could have died for you.
If my eyes, dear marquise,
Are not worth dying for
And a sailor boy can offer more,
What can I say to please?
Should I go down on my knees?
Should I die ofjealousy?
You mustn't hold a grudge
Or I'll get all teary-eyed.
My makeup is going to smudge,
I'm already bleary-eyed.
My makeup is going to smudge,
I'm already bleary-eyed.