Les Demoiselles de Rochefort

What else?
It was...
a secret passion.
I never told anyone.
No one ever found out.
Not even my daughters.
Your daughters!
I've heard so much about them.

- I'd like to meet them.
- Hush up!

And this passion went sour,
if I get your meaning.

My fiancé had a name
that was grating to the ear,

An irritating name
that was more than I could bear.

So I went and left him
without a word, without a sign.

It's been 10 years now
That his path diverged from mine.

I had told him
one night so tenderly

That we were soon to be
no longer two but three.

It's a woman's greatest claim,
It fills a man with pride.

Booboo, the poor dear,
would soon be by my side.

He was a handsome fellow
and I a sweet young thing,

Even though I had twins
before I met him.

He never met the girls,
I kept them out of sight.

They went to boarding school
and never came home at night.

A few years later,
through a mutual friend,

I let him know
that some tycoon from Mexico

Had offered me his hand
and a beachside bungalow.

It was bitter lie,
pathetic duplicity.

So here I am alone,
and my youth is long gone.

I came to see this town
where the only love I'd known

had seen the day.
I settled here permanently

Iiving amid memories,
my life's debris.
