l'll pay you.
l do everything myself.
l don't have any servants.
l don't trust them. They steal and,
there are too many nice things here.
Eat up. l'm sure you're hungry.
You'll get special treatment,
if you'll just stay here.
You won't believe this,
but l treat everybody specially.
An honest person can't sleep well
in this town.
Are you afraid to live alone?
Yes, l am afraid. . .
. . .and l've been unfortunate.
l saw a woman up in that window.
You've already seen her?
She's my wife.
But she might as well not exist.
She's unbalanced.
The girl is insane.
l had to lock her up in her room,
poor creature.
She wouldn't harm anyone.
She has the mind of a child.
lf anything happened to me. . .
. . .Sorrow's men would come around.
What if Templer came here. A man with
no religious principles or morals.
That's why the Lord struck down
his son.