Templer, either you tell us
where you hid it. . .
. . .or we're going to kill you.
You've searched this place from
top to bottom.
You see, the gold ain't here.
lt's been taken by that dirty rat,
Oldeman. You'll find it at his house.
lf you're lying, watch out.
Quick! They're here. Save me.
Look, they're here!
No! Get away from the window.
Do something. That's why you're here--
to protect me.
Am l suppose to protect
your house. . .
. . .your reputation or your wife?
Do you have anything of greater value?
There is light over there.
We'll have fun.
The house is this one.
Oldeman! Oldeman!
We're coming for the gold.
Here it is. Take it. Give it to them,
before they harm you.
You're mad.
Leave her alone.
Come on, Oldeman, open up!