Hey, mister. Hey, you!
Come here.
Listen, l'm terrified.
l want you to help me.
They're going to kill me.
Oldeman has killed Templer.
lt was awful.
l managed to get away. l saw him do it.
l saw him kill Templer.
Where did he do it?
ln the saloon.
We just came from the funeral.
Now he wants to kill me.
l'm in danger because l saw him do it.
l don't stand a chance in hell
against Oldeman.
He's a highly respected citizen.
He can kill me and
make it look perfectly legal.
Would you like to be rich?
What do you mean by that?
Exactly what do you want me to do?
l know where he hid
all of Templer's gold.
lf you help me get it, we'll split it.
Where is it?
At the cemetery. ln Evan's coffin.
l don't have the courage to
get it myself. . .
. . .but there is enough gold down
there to do things that--
Listen here. lf anyone tries to
open that boy's coffin. . .
. . .l'll make sure he's shot.
Haven't you done enough?
That gold belongs to Evan.
But we need it to leave this place.
We've got to get out of here
before they kill us.
Your life is in danger as well as mine.