I've watched you grow up, Ben.
Yes, sir.
In many ways I feel as though
you were my own son.
Thank you.
So I hope you won't mind my giving
you a friendly piece of advice.
I'd like to hear it.
Ben - I think - I think you ought to be taking it
a little easier right now than you seem to be.
Sow a few wild oats. Take things as they come.
Have a good time with the girls and so forth.
Don't get up.
I was just telling... -Ben... -Ben here he ought to sow
a few wild oats. Have a good time while
he can. You think that's sound advice?
Yes, I do.
I've got to go.
You have yourself a few fillings this summer.
I bet you're quite a ladies' man.
Oh no.
What? You look to me like the kind of guy that
has to fight them off. Doesn't he look to you
like the kind of guy who has to fight them off?
Yes, he does.
Oh say - Elaine gets down
from Berkeley on Saturday.
Oh yes.
I wish you give her a call.
I will.
Benjamin? Benjamin?
Thank you for taking me home.
I'll see you soon, I hope.
Ladies and gentlemen, your attention, please
for this afternoon's feature attraction.