The Taming of the Shrew

Nay, look you, sir,
he tells you flatly what his mind is.

Why, give him gold enough
and marry him to a puppet,

or an old trot with ne'er a tooth in her head,
and though she have as many diseases
as two and fifty horses.

Why, nothing comes amiss,
so money comes withal.

Crowns have I in my purse, and goods at home,
And so am come abroad to see the world.
To find a fortune and to woo...
a wife.
And when I came at last to wife
With a heigh-ho
The wind and the rain
By swaggering could I never thrive
For the rain it raineth every day
I will not sleep, Hortensio, till I see her.
With a heigh-ho
The wind and the rain
For the rain it raineth every
By swaggering
By swaggering could I never thrive
For the rain it raineth every day
