The Taming of the Shrew

To make mine eye the witness
Of that report I have so often heard.

Petruchio is my name, Antonio's son,
A man well known throughout all ltaly.

Now, sir... if I get your daughter's love,
What dowry shall I have with her as wife?

After my death...
the one half of my lands,
And in possession...
twenty thousand crowns.
Saving your tale, Petruchio, I pray
Let us that are poor petitioners speak too.

And... for that dowry I'll assure her of
Her widowhood, be it that she survive me,

With all my lands and leases whatsoever.
Signor Antonio's son!
- Litio...
- Take you the lute, you the set of books.

You shall go see your pupils.
Sirrah, lead these gentlemen to my daughters.
Tell her they are her tutors.
Bid her use them well.

- With...
- All my lands and leases whatsoever.

Let specialties be therefore drawn between us,
That covenants may be kept on either hand.

Ay, when one special thing is well obtain'd,
I mean, her love;
for that is all in all.
Why, that is nothing. For I tell you, Father,
