´´Only those who...
...arrived on...
...or in a public coach. ´´
- Thank you.
´´lf 14 hens...
...lay an egg a day for 30 days...
...how much are the eggs a dozen,
and how many have you to sell? ´´
Moira Joseph.
´´Pete Gilroy´s weight
and the ever-tightening noose...
...about her neck...
...began slightly to impede
the wild mare´s speed.
But Pete was only too fully aware
of what his fate would be...
...for he could not hope
to escape death...
...from being battered and crushed. ´´
Put that away, please.
Thank you.
Would anyone else like to read?
- Your name, please.
- Pamela Dare.
´´And he had learned to love.
l know not why...
...for this in such as him
seemed strange of mood.
But thus it was.
And though
in solitude´s small part...
...the nipped affections
have to grow.
ln him this glowed...
...when all beside
had ceased to glow. ´´