To Sir, with Love

They bog up everything
they´re connected with.

What a shower!
l´ll never forgive the President for
not coming to Churchill´s funeral...

...nor sending the vice president.
Rotten bad manners.

- Lt was very naughty.
- L quite agree.

A typically stupid, appalling
and unnecessary mistake.

- What can you expect?
- Still beefing?

Give them a chance.
They´ve not been in the business...

...of leading the world
as long as Britain was.

You continue to astonish me,
old chum.

l should thought
if anyone took a point of...

Now what?
Miss Pegg wants to know
if the netball´s fixed.

Miss who?
Barbara Pegg.
Miss Pegg, Sir.

Here you are, Fernman.
Thank you, Sir.
What´s going on in
this classroom of yours?

Suburban formality? Lt´s a bit
foreign in this neck of the woods.

Some sort of experiment
in culture for the masses?

lt´s an elementary
experiment in courtesy.

And do we ignorant critters
have to follow suit?

- Please yourself.
- Thank goodness for that!

Do you object to being
taught manners by one of the boys?

l don´t expect to be taught
by those morons.

So long as we learn,
it doesn´t matter who teaches us.

Good afternoon, everybody.
Now we´re talking.
Nothing like payday.
By the way, your museum visit
has been approved.

lf anything goes wrong,
the school suffers.

Nothing will go wrong, sir.
