You´ll like them.
They´re lovely.
Here you are, guv.
Penny´s wedding cake.
Jeannie´s older sister.
She got married,
so here´s a bit of cake.
Jeannie Clark.
Yes, Miss Clark.
That was a lovely museum outing.
Will they do it again?
We´re trying to arrange one a week.
That´d be lovely, won´t it?
The more education, the better.
That´s what l always say.
lt´s a proper bleeder,
what with the bomb and all.
Ain´t the bombs.
lt´s them bleeding Yanks!
Shut your gob!
My Gert´s married to a Yank.
And a proper nice gent he is, and all.
Keep your opinions to yourself!
God all bloody mighty!
The entente cordiale?
First cast the mote
out of your eye...
...before you cast the bomb
out of mine!
He´s a proper faggot.
Here you are.
You´ll like them.
Thank you.
Who´s next?
Come on, girls.
Speak up!
l was wondering if you would give
the girls some makeup lessons.
l think quite a few
of them would be...
...very pretty if they knew
how to do it.
Why, certainly!
You are getting involved
with your children, aren´t you?
l´m just trying to help.
That´s the job, isn´t it?
- You want some of this?
- No, thanks.
ls that all you´re having
for lunch?
You on a diet?
l´ll tell you, l´m a weak man.
At the moment, a little skint.
When l eat, do l love to eat!
l love wine,
but l just can´t have a glass.
l want the whole bottle.
So l avoid wine
and pastrami sandwiches...
...and baked potatoes...
...with butter and bacon...
...and strawberry shortcake
and cheesecake.