-Lisa doesn't live here.
-Yeah, l know. lt's clean.
What's the matter?
Since when can Lisa type?
Since never. Come on.
You think the place is bugged?
-You want something?
-You, Mr. Talman.
And you too, Sgt. Carlino.
l want you too.
ln fact, l want both of you,
and l've come here to buy you.
Sgt. Carlino, if you'd
just shut that door, please.
Don't call me "sergeant."
Why? Are you a touchy man?
-Just don't call me "sergeant."
-No matter. Sit. Sit.
We'll have a little chat.
-We'll start with, who are you?
-l'm Harry Roat Jr. From Scarsdale.
Well, now, may we have
weapons on the table?
We'll have explanations first.
Well, this goes back a little.
-So go back a little.
Once upon a time...