Doesn't that strike you odd?
lt strikes me odd too, Mr. Talman.
-Was he lying?
-l don't know, but we're gonna find out.
Now, look around.
Familiarize yourself with the place.
We're coming back here tomorrow.
And the doll is here, you're sure?
Lisa and l checked earlier.
We didn't see it. lt's here, though.
Did you look in here?
Well, anyway, we don't work safes.
l know, but you talk, and that's why
you've been invited to this party...
...to talk your way into that big,
black safe, sergeant.
-There's a locked closet in the bedroom.
-Not there. Just clothes.
-How do you know?
-l looked.
-You got the key?
-lt's on the ledge above the door.
No, it isn't.
They must have taken it with them.
Lock the closet when they
don't bolt the front door?
They're strange people.
They lose dolls.
l think you just made a mistake.
l'd like the key.
Well, if you--
All right, fat man, over there.
Both of you through the door, backwards.
lf you'd only said please.