Even if you could remember, it'd
still take you hours to wipe them up.
lf not days.
As for me...
...well, l've only touched one thing
since l've been in here.
And now it's clean...
...like me. No police record,
no known associations with Lisa.
Nothing, in fact.
l could let you go and what would happen?
l'd evaporate.
But you? Bad news.
Don't forget this, sarge.
And the icebox, don't forget the icebox.
Carlino, knock it off!
We can prove where we were
when this happened.
Oh, and when did it happen?
-Just before you let me in?
So if you do exactly what l tell you...
...there will be no police,
there will be no problems.
Go on.
First, get her out of here.
Roll her up in this.
l got a van by the corner.
l'll bring it out front.
Why not the back, where
there's less publicity?
There's no back door.
We'll dump her where l found this.
Give me a hand.
-She'll be found.
-l hope so.
All she's got on her is a hotel key.
When they check...
...they'll see she's Mrs. Harry Roat Jr.
-From Scarsdale.
This changes things a little, you know?
That's what l figured.
We'll talk about it later.
No, we'll talk about it now.
lt was 2000 each. Now it's 4.
Get behind the door, and, you, back there.
Stay dead still.
She's alone. Don't breathe.