-lf you see him--
-We never see him.
He's owed us a new refrigerator since we
moved in, so he doesn't come around.
Don't let it get you down.
Have a good weekend.
On Monday, we'll form a tenants committee
or something jazzy like that.
Some committee. Me, you, Sam,
Gloria and her mother.
Oh, well.
-No, Batman.
-Safe to open the door?
-All right.
-You want to give me a hand, darling?
Who are you doing?
She's been after me for weeks
to take some pictures.
l promised l'd have these done.
l've got to go to Asbury Park--
-Asbury Park? l thought you--
-Sorry, l only found out this second.
That's all right. l was just
planning something silly.
-Will it hold till tomorrow?
Someone called from the chemical company.
They saw my Sunday Times spread.
They want me to make their new factory
look like the U.N.
Another night shot.
They're paying handsomely.
That's the last one.
-Can l go with you?
-Sure, but l'll--
Be home much quicker if you don't.
You know there was a murder
around here last night?
They found the body this morning.
A lady from Scarsdale.
l heard it on the radio.
What if l get chopped up in little pieces
and dumped in the river?
Little tiny pieces that nobody
could ever recognize...