...as having been a poor,
defenseless, blind lady...
...whose husband was off in Asbury Park.
-You're not listening, Sammy.
-Sure l am.
Why don't we have some light
around here?
They're always finding bodies in New York.
Not in the parking lot
practically next door, they don't.
-You're making it up, Susy.
-No, l'm not. l promise.
l told you l heard it on the radio.
Really, l did.
Come on, Susy.
The police don't have
the first notion who did it.
Pretty spooky, don't you think, Sammy?
Tell you what l think.
l think it's a ploy to make me stay home.
Well, there was a murdered woman
found from Scarsdale...
...and that's a true fact.
And you're afraid for your life,
that's a true fact?
No, but it was worth a try.
-You sure he'll go?
-He'd better hurry or he'll miss the bus.
-He's got time.
This is some day for a schlep
out to Asbury Park.
-When does your bus leave?
Time for another cup of coffee?
Maybe half a cup.
lf that doll woman calls,
tell her l haven't found it yet.
Let Gloria look around for it while she's
down here. lt must be somewhere.
l don't want Gloria today.
l don't need her.
-Yes, you do, for your shopping.
-No Gloria!