-Has he ever told you about that?
-No. Tell me.
No, you ask Sam.
Oh, please. He won't tell me.
You'd better ask Sam.
He likes to do things his own way.
-You're just as mean as he is.
-That's us.
-Mean Mike and Mean Sam.
-Well, you are.
Would you like a drink, Mike Talman?
No. No, thank you.
Are these Sam's, these pictures?
-Yeah, l thought so.
Hey, here's one of me.
l sure have put on a few pounds
since those days.
Tell me something,
did you know Sam then?
No, we only met a year ago,
not long after my accident.
You lost your sight in an accident?
Yes, in a car crash
or really the fire from the crash.
One day, l was practicing
crossing at the lights...
...and the cars were piling up
around me like mad, and...
...suddenly, a man named Sam
grabbed me.
And that was that.
-Who's that?
-A little girl.
Come in, Gloria.
She went out.
Well, l'm sorry to have missed Sam,
but l'm happy to have met you.
You're very lovely.
Sam's lucky.
So's Susy.
Please tell Sam that l stopped by.
Next time l come in from Phoenix,
l'll drop a line first.
Thank you forever and ever for--
Oh, Lord! Hello? Are you still there?
I have to have your address.
Listen, l can't tell you how sorry l am
to have kept you.
You're wonderfully good
to have stuck around.
-did you find the fire?
-Yes, it's out.