You must be so bored with me.
Every time you come,
l'm in absolute panic.
No, no, no.
Bedroom's a mess.
He's dumped stuff all over the place.
l better call the police.
He might have stolen something.
Do you know the number?
That's the emergency number anyway.
That's good enough.
Don't worry.
l'll take a later flight to Phoenix...
-...and stay as long as you need me.
-Could you?
Of course.
And the guy just busted in?
That right?
Yes, he was at the door
when the little girl went out.
Gloria from upstairs.
Yeah, l got that down.
-Then he pulled out the drawers.
-Sergeant, obviously the man's crazy.
Why don't you send a report
and have him picked up?
Just tell me the facts.
l'll decide what to do, if you don't mind.
Well, l do mind.
-You act as if nothing happened.
-We'd better let the sergeant do it his way.
Thank you, lady.
The important thing is, this guy
didn't steal anything, right?
No, not as far as we know.
l think l'll help myself
to that drink now.
Well, l won't bother you anymore.
lf there's anything missing,
call the 6th Precinct and let me know.