Wait Until Dark

l thought it was a surprise
for me, but it wasn't.

lt was for a little girl in the hospital.
A woman at the airport
asked Sam to carry it for her...

...so that her other girl, who was meeting
her, wouldn't see it and get jealous.

The woman called yesterday about getting
the doll, and Sam couldn't find it.

Sam never met the doll lady
in his life before. He told me so.

Don't do this to yourself, Susy.
Then there was the woman
he was supposed to photograph.

Sam said she didn't show up.
But he was away a long time
waiting for her.

And her name was Lejiana,
and so is Mrs. Roat's.

Well, suppose he did know her.
lt's not so serious.

Oh, but it is.
All right, then.
Let's say that it's serious.

Let's try to figure this all out.
From the beginning.
First, the old man came in screaming
about Sam and Mrs. Roat.

He went into your bedroom
and tore it apart.

He messed up your dresser.
Why did he do that?

He must have taken something, Susy.
He just must have.

Come here.
Now, look.
Check, feel around,
see if anything's missing.

Our wedding picture's gone.
The one of Sam and me.

Do you see it anywhere?
That's the meanest thing l ever heard of.
l'm calling the police.

No, Mike, we can't.
We mustn't say anything
to the police. Nothing.

They've got to forget all about us, Mike.
They think Sam did it!

